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The Psycho-Spiritual Therapist
THE ANATOMY OF CONSCIOUSNESS (TPST foundational course - begin here)
What is TPST: the power of perception (24:13)
Who are we - why are we here - how does it work?
What IS vs What (we think) Should Be (resistance) (20:17)
Cause is Internal - Effect is External (how you create every experience) (13:27)
Recognizing and Acting on your true self and path (16:44)
What I See Reflects the WAY I See (perception creates reality) (14:57)
Trial and Error: Life is your Guru (13:30)
Your Thoughts Hurt Your Feelings
Nothing 'Bad' Ever Happens to Me
Emotions = GPS
Introduction to the Structure of Reality (23:38)
Learning to Perceive Everything as Love
Life is a Movie
Psycho-Spiritual Therapy: Awakening = 'Healing'
How the online school works
Observe Deeply - and Everything Becomes Your Teacher
Ego & Soul (You are perfectly imperfect)
There is only ONE problem - dressed up in infinite stories
What is God (source)? A guided exploration.
Breaking the Habit of Upsetting Yourself
Updating your Operating System (#1 tool for deconstructing belief systems)
Only That Which You OWN - You Can Change (self-empowerment)
What if it Wasn't Personal? Reducing Social Anxiety
Judgement is You Hurting Yourself
"I feel X because I choose to believe X" (emotional alchemy tool)
Would You Rather Be Right - Or Free?
You Are Never Upset for the Reason You Think You Are
Welcome Everything
Drama to Cosmic Comedy
Look for What´s Wrong & You'll Find What´s Wrong
Misery: A Game Your Mind Invented that Only Your Heart Can Win
MUSTerbating is the root of all evil
It's NOT your parents (healing is in the present, not the past)
Emotional Health & Freedom
Emotional Mastery Guided Process
Finding the Positive Intent Behind Any Emotion
Grievance to Grief
Self Clearing (clear emotional inflammation)
Feeling is not always healing
What am I avoiding feeling right now?
Emotional Alchemy: change your mood in minutes
Shadow Work
Your fear contains your freedom
Mirror Theory (what I see in you is me)
Trigger Play
The Metaphysics of Happiness
Channeling your Ideal Self
An (Actual) Key for Inner Peace
Light + Dark = Love (collapsing ideas of wrong and right)
You are not looking for happiness, you are looking for...
Your Pain is Here to Wake You Up
Life is a game without points
Loving Others Awakens Your Heart
Karma: it's not what you think it is
There is only one of us here
Seeing Love Within is Seeing Love Everywhere
Forgiveness: the Bridge to Unconditional Love
Ego Death (Forgiveness Meditation)
The Gap (Pain is a Portal)
The Gap Between How You Feel and How You Want to Feel is the Portal from Pain to Love
Give What You Want to Receive Exercise
Only a broken wave can know the ocean (from 'broken' to broken open)
Bittersweet : All Pain is a portal to More Love
Learn How to Receive What Others Can't Give You
Awaken Your Inner Teacher
Awakening Intuiton
Your Madness is Your Magic
Stop Trying to Get It 'Right' and Start Being You
Obstacles ARE the path
Overcoming Shame, Insecurity, and Self-Consciousness
Shame: Your Personal In-House Critic
Yes I am That (and it doesn’t mean anything)
A Practical Guide to Overcoming Shame
Shame-busting exercise
You DON'T need more confidence......
Trigger Play
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